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16th June 2022

Growth underpinned by strong organic and inorganic performance

nigel stocktonNigel Stockton

Ascot Lloyd, one of the UK’s largest and fastest growing independently owned IFA firms, is pleased to report its results for the year ending 31 December 2021.

Key highlights

  • Total revenues of £80.3 million (2020: £62.6 million), a 28% increase
  • Adjusted EBITDA of £23.1 million (2020: £14.2 million), a 63% increase
  • Total funds under management of £9.8bn (2020: £9.4bn)
  • Net organic growth of 6.9% excluding market movements
  • A further three acquisitions successfully completed in 2021 (making over 30 since 2017)
  • In 2022 two acquisitions have already been completed with a number at a very advanced stage.
  • Avellemy funds under management increased to £2.6bn in 2021
  • Acquisition by Nordic Capital announced in April 2022, subject to regulatory approval

Nigel Stockton, CEO of Ascot Lloydcommented: “We are pleased to report another very strong year for Ascot Lloyd, and I am particularly encouraged to see us deliver on our strategy of growing both organically and through acquisition.

“Last year we added a number of high-quality IFA businesses that represented fits with our existing culture and values. Growth through acquisition will continue to be the foundation to our strategy but, now we are at scale, we are also accelerating our own organic growth activities through greater client referral, lead generation and extending our client introducer network. Furthermore, Avellemy Limited, the asset management company within our broader group, continues to grow both revenues and profitability In 2022 we are also planning further investment in technology to enhance both our offering and the accessibility of this.

“We are now one of the UK’s leading independently owned IFAs and our successful growth has been underpinned by a relentless focus on service and client outcomes. Notably, the pandemic has seen us evolve how we interact with clients as we incorporate new technology alongside face-to-face meetings. Given the continued market uncertainty, our ability to effectively advise clients to help them achieve their investment objectives is central to achieving our strategic goals.

“Our recently announced acquisition by Nordic Capital will give us significant new firepower to further invest in expanding our UK footprint. As we look ahead, Ascot Lloyd is in great shape and our commitment to client excellence will be the foundation for the continued growth we expect to achieve in 2022.”

For further information please contact:

FTI Consulting

Tom Blackwell, FTI Consulting: +44 (0)7747 113 919


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