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Important Reminder

The information in the following article was accurate at the time of creation but may no longer be reliable due to changes in tax regulations, laws, or other events.

5th June 2020
Latest news

Sally DaviesSally DaviesToday as you click through to see our articles you will see a brand-new Ascot Lloyd website. Designed to make it easy for visitors to find out what Ascot Lloyd can offer and read timely and relevant content that is informative and useful, the website is set to serve many individuals in different ways. And most importantly it makes it easy to get in touch.

We also wanted to make much clearer the value independent financial advice offers, whether for you as an individual or as a business. We are all about working with people to develop lifetime financial plans to achieve their goals. We build strong trusted relationships with you over time and as your life changes and progresses, we work with you to adapt your plan and keep you on track, whether in your personal life or in business. The website now reflects who Ascot Lloyd is today and how we work with clients to achieve just that.

Propelled into a digital world

Never before has digital communication been as important as it is today. Even in the world of financial services, renowned for being traditional and reliant very much on building personal relationships, we have now been propelled into doing everything by virtual and digital means.

In the last 3 months we have had to mobilise the whole of our business very quickly to work remotely and ensure we continue to provide the service you need and expect from us. We’ve also had to find new ways to keep in touch with our staff and you. Being visible and talking about the things that matter and offering clarity and reassurance has been absolutely essential during this challenging and worrying time.

Digital communication and digital servicing are not only now expected but are essential. Without these we cannot function in our daily lives.

Staying in touch

Through #StayInTouch we’ve kept over 20,000 client contacts up to date weekly with what’s happening in the turbulent markets, as well as shared insight on hot topics that have hopefully helped you as the COVID crisis has been unfolding and developing. Video is now one of the most popular mediums people want to consume. We’ve brought you clips from Graham Bentley our Investment Chairman and Nigel Stockton, our CEO.

People want to hear what others have got to say.

People want to hear from people

Now we’ve got some new videos on our new website too. You can watch what some of our Ascot Lloyd Advisers have to say on how they bring the best they can to clients every day. And you can see what a few of our clients have said too. We were fortunate enough to have taken this video footage before lockdown and had the delight of spending some time with Rob and Cath, and also Michael who were very happy to talk on camera about their experience of working with Ascot Lloyd. Thank you to all three, as they were a great joy to work with.

Listening to what you have to say

Having got a regular weekly e-newsletter up and running we’ve also taken the opportunity to ask you about your thoughts on digital service and how you’d like to keep in touch with your Adviser. About 1,000 of you responded telling us overwhelmingly that you are happy to talk to your adviser by phone or video. Most have said you would welcome video meetings as you would like to be able to see each other. Many of you are now talking with your friends and family using lots of different video platforms, Zoom, WhatsApp and FaceTime being the most popular. However, a small number of you did say that you do not use video technology. So, we must adapt and be flexible to talk to you and serve you in whichever way you choose.

Changing the game

As lockdown starts to ease, we have started to open up some of our offices’, however we are being cautious as you would hope and expect. We also recognise that many people may not want to revert to the old ways. We’ve proven that we can provide solid and reliable financial advice over the phone or by video. It can be more convenient and will be especially important to continue with that, respecting also that many may not want to revert to having people visiting their homes either in the near future or at all.

We are a business in an industry that has rapidly become a multi-channel offering and it will be you our clients that decide how you want us to do that in the future, even if we have been forced into certain ways of working for now.

Continuously evolving and improving what we do for you

Back to our new website, we want to make sure it delivers useful and valuable tools for you and prospective new clients. We’ll be urging you to take advantage of the portal that’s there to serve you as well as ensure we capture your communication preferences, so we continue to stay in touch how you want.

We have worked with an excellent specialist provider of digital solutions, Clickingmad Ltd who designed and built the new website and who will continue to develop it to ensure it reflects the changing needs of the financial markets and more importantly our client’s requirements.

Clickingmad CEO, Shaun Carvill says; “The new Ascot Lloyd website is a product of extensive research into how we all use the Internet and specifically financial services websites. Finding the right balance of design and technical functionality has been a challenge but one that we have relished. We hope to be helping make sure the website develops into an excellent communication tool over the next few months, for the benefit of all Ascot Lloyd’s clients.”

“My team has worked very closely with Ascot Lloyd and we are all very proud of the result of our efforts and hope that you like it as well.”

Over the coming months we’ll be looking at lots of other ways to continuously build on making it easy for you to work with us through digital means. Though rest assured, however easy we make it, we know that people like to talk to people and that everyone is different. Everyone is an individual, and we’ll make sure that we work with you how you want to work with us.

Stay in touch and stay safe

Sally Davies
Head of Marketing


Our Financial Advisers are available on the phone so please contact us if you have any questions.

Important Information

Past performance is not a guide to future performance and may not be repeated. Investment involves risk. The value of investments and the income from them may go down as well as up and investors may not get back any of the amount originally invested. Because of this, an investor is not certain to make a profit on an investment and may lose money. Exchange rate changes may cause the value of overseas investments to rise or fall.

This communication is for information purposes only. Nothing in this communication constitutes financial, professional or investment advice or a personal recommendation. This communication should not be construed as a solicitation or an offer to buy or sell any securities or related financial instruments in any jurisdiction. No representation or warranty, either expressed or implied, is provided in relation to the accuracy, completeness or reliability of the information contained herein, nor is it intended to be a complete statement or summary of the securities, markets or developments referred to in the document. Any opinions expressed in this document are subject to change without notice and may differ or be contrary to opinions expressed by other business areas or companies within the same group as Ascot Lloyd as a result of using different assumptions and criteria.