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17th April 2020

top tips for working from homeAbout 1.5 million people are now working from home due to the coronavirus pandemic, so what's the best way to stay efficient and keep your spirits up?

1. Create a routine

Get up at a regular time and prepare for the day. Get showered and dressed – don’t be tempted to slouch around in your pjs.

Take time to get into work mode. Replace your daily commute time with some “me” time and do something relaxing or energising.

Without going out anywhere you may feel there’s no need to get dressed or be well groomed. There’s nothing like a video call with your colleagues that gets you to make a bit of an effort. You’ll feel better if you do.

Aim to go to bed and get up at the same times you would usually and schedule regular breaks throughout the day.

Most importantly, get to the end of your working day and stop. Your personal time away from work is vital.

2. Plan your work and talk to people regularly

Align your work daily with your colleagues and make sure you’re focusing on the right things.

Plan regular meetings and check in with them and your wider team.

Give and request feedback. Talk about successes and challenges and share ideas.

Maintain client contact and continue to build relationships and rapport, even if it is over the phone or video.

Make time to talk and share your experiences – you don’t have to wait for arranged meetings. In the office, you’re likely to chat with colleagues throughout the day.

Get creative with your team about how to do this, for example scheduling a 'virtual coffee break' or a virtual 'breath of fresh air' while you're on the phone together. Maintaining that social connection can lift your mood.

3. Keep energised

Take regular breaks… and keep fit!

It's important to get up from your desk and move around, just as you would in an office.

Keep your energy levels up by getting up and about if you can: whether it’s a 30-minute fitness tutorial on YouTube or squats between meetings… get creative!

Get the best out of your day by saving your harder tasks for when you know you'll have the most energy for them. Use slower points of the day to sort the easier tasks that are on your to-do list.


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