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9th April 2018
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It is hard for young people to get on the property ladder with ever increasing house prices and stagnant wages.

As a millennial, owning a house can seem unobtainable and making the most of the small amount that can be saved is crucial.

In The Telegraph Katie Hobson, a 24 year old student from Hull, talks about how she is managing to save £50 a month. But what are her best options so she can buy a house when she leaves university?

Joe Roxborough, Chartered Financial Planner with Ascot Lloyd, gives advice on the different Isa options that could work best for her, including a Lifetime Isa which comes with a 25pc bonus from the Government, but adds that at the end of the day

“She should always invest in the number one savings vehicle first: herself. By completing her studies Ms Hobson is on a path to a secure, long-term career and a better paid job, which will help increase the amount she’s able to save.”

Read the full article on The Telegraph's website.


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