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1st January 2018

More people join gyms in January than any other month of the year. And it’s no wonder. We finish one year on a food-and-alcohol-related high, and start the next year feeling the pinch of a tighter waistband. But as well as getting your physical self in better shape, January is the perfect time to get your finances fitter.

Taking charge is the first step

It’s easy to get stuck in a financial rut: not keeping on top of paperwork, stuffing pension statements away without really looking at them, not reviewing regular premiums, paying the same old direct debit into an ISA... It’s the financial equivalent of coming home and flopping in front of Netflix instead of going for a run.

But there are various regular rule changes that could affect your finances, whether you’re paying attention or not. For example, ISA limits fluctuate every tax year, so are you fully using your allowance for this year? Or, following reductions in annual and lifetime pensions allowances, are you in danger of breaching an allowance? The last thing you want is to incur a tax charge because you’ve been paying too much into your pension without realising.

Your personal finance trainer

This is why it’s well worth spending an hour or so getting to grips with your finances – whether that means sorting through your paperwork yourself and making sure everything is current, or working with a financial adviser.

At Ascot Lloyd, our advisers work with people of all ages to conduct a thorough financial review. And much like a personal trainer creating a fitness plan, we also carry out cash flow modelling to assess income needs, salary and investments, and create a long-term plan with key milestones.

So while you’re busy bettering yourself this January, why not with Ascot Lloyd? Whether it’s a one-off review or the start of an ongoing partnership, we’ll help you get your finances in better shape than ever.


Our Financial Advisers are available on the phone so please contact us if you have any questions.